main BEdita 3 features
What makes BEdita an advanced and original system among other content management software:
- advanced backend Web application to handle contents and their semantic relations; elegant user interface with an innovative design; advanced use of techniques like ajax and drag'n'drop
- complete frontend API to create your frontend applications; in BEdita frontend and backend are different applications (for security reasons, efficiency, scalability and design freedom)
- complete internazionalization: contents and user interface elements in every languate (all ISO-8893-3 languages supported) - specific advanced translation module
- object oriented design: every type of content in BEdita is an object that can be tagged, categorized, translated, commented, geololcalized.... not only documents, but also images, videos, events, news, vcards, galleries, custom types....
- modular design: specific software modules for different tasks and content types (multimedia, events, news, administration, publishing, addressbook, newsletter,...)
- ability to create free semantic relations between contents
- internal authentication system, or external/pluggable like LDAP or OpenID
- integrated newsletter (dedicated module)
- editorial statistics, integration with statistics systems like Google analytics, Piwik or with web server logs data (apache logs)
- access granularity: dynamic definition of groups that can access each software module in read-only or read-write
- native XML/REST interface for published objects
- every object can be identified with a unique alphanumeric name, called nickname, that can be used in frontend URLs or applications to reference it; a semantic ID equivalent