Most LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql Php) hosts meet the minimum requirements to run BEdita. However BEdita can easily be installed also on other platforms like Windows or OSX, for example.
Just be sure that your host environment web server, database server and php are compatible with the version of BEdita you want to install.
BEdita 3.4 corylus - minimum requirements
(**) other web server like Nginx or Microsoft IIS should work but are not officially supported
// render compiled template
$_smarty_tpl = Smarty_Internal_Template Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_id = NULL Smarty_Internal_Template::$compile_id = "Pages" Smarty_Internal_Template::$caching = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_lifetime = 3600 Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_resource = "/home/bedita3/" Smarty_Internal_Template::$mustCompile = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$has_nocache_code = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$properties = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$required_plugins = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$smarty = Smarty object Smarty_Internal_Template::$block_data = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$variable_filters = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$used_tags = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$allow_relative_path = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$_capture_stack = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_class = "Smarty_Internal_Template" Smarty_Internal_Template::$tpl_vars = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$parent = Smarty object Smarty_Internal_Template::$config_vars = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$source = Smarty_Template_Source object Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled = Smarty_Template_Compiled object $tmp = "<p>Most <strong>LAMP </strong>(Linux Apache Mysql Php) hosts meet the minimum requirements to run BEdita. However BEdita can easily be installed also on other platforms like Windows or OSX, for example.</p> <p>Just be sure that your host environment <em>web server</em>, <em>database server</em> and <em>php</em> are compatible with the version of BEdita you want to install.</p> <p><strong> BEdita 3.4 <em>corylus</em> - minimum requirements</strong></p> <ul> <li>Web server(**) <strong>Apache2</strong></li> <li>Database <strong>MySQL 5.1</strong> or newer with <em>InnoDB</em> engine enabled, PostgreSQL 9</li> <li><strong>PHP 5.3</strong> or newer with <em>gd, mbstring </em>and<em> gettext (recommended) </em>modules</li> </ul> <p>(**) other web server like Nginx or Microsoft IIS should work but are not officially supported</p> " $_from = array( array( "id" => "114", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "<p>First BEdita 3.1 install</p>", "body" => "<h2>Foreword</h2> <p>Below you will see <strong>how to install a backend application</strong>. At the end of this procedure you will find a folder named <code>frontends</code>, containing some frontend examples. Start from here to <a href="/documentation/frontend-overview" target="_self">develop a frontend application</a>.<br />There is not an automatic setup/install procedure with a graphical user interface for BEdita 3.1 <em>ulmus</em>, but you have to follow some easy steps. A graphical user interface has been introduced from BEdita version 3.2 <em>populus.</em></p> <h2>Before installing BEdita</h2> <p>First it is necessary that some preliminary requirements are satisfied. See <a href="requirements">BEdita requirements</a>.</p> <h2>Download BEdita package</h2> <p>If your system does support the requirements listed above you can <a href="">download</a><strong> </strong>the package. This package contains everything you need to setup and use BEdita.</p> <p>There you will find the real BEdita application (<em>bedita-app </em>directory), the <a title="CakePHP" href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">CakePHP</span></a> framework (<em>cake </em>folder), the template engine <a title="Smarty template engine" href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Smarty</span></a> (<em>vendors/smarty </em>dir) and the <a title="phpThumb" href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">phpThumb</span></a> library (<em>vendors/phpThumb </em>dir), and many other libraries used.</p> <hr /> <h2><br />Quick install</h2> <p>Copy or unpack <em>bedita </em>directory (content of the compressed source package) in a directory served by the web server. Then:</p> <ul> <li>create an empty database, create/choose a user with grants on data (DELETE, UPDATE...) and structure (DROP, CREATE,...)</li> <li>edit <code>bedita-app/config/database.php</code> adding database connection details (host, user,...)</li> <li>edit <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.sys.php</code>; in <code>$config['beditaUrl']</code> write the web URL to BEdita installation, in <code>$config['mediaUrl']</code> write the web URL to the media files, normally you can use <code>$config['beditaUrl'] . "/files" </code>.</li> <li>make sure <code>bedita-app/tmp </code>is writable from your web server</li> <li>if you haven't <strong>mod_rewrite</strong> enabled remove <code>.htaccess</code> files and uncomment <code>App.baseUrl</code> in <code>bedita/bedita-app/config/core.php</code>. For more detail read the <a href="#htaccessNote">Note</a> below.</li> <li>launch <code>./ bedita init</code> to check your setup</li> </ul> <p>Optional steps:</p> <ul> <li>create a root directory for media files, served by your webserver; or use default dir <code>bedita-app/webroot/files</code>, already present </li> <li>edit <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.sys.php</code>, in <code>$config['mediaRoot']</code> write the absolute path to this media root dir, in <code>$config['mediaUrl']</code> write the web URL to the same directory</li> </ul> <hr /> <h2><br />Installation details</h2> <p>Here the same instruction from above in more detail.</p> <p>1. Create the database</p> <p>Just create an empty database on MySQL and define a mysql user having grants on data (INSERT, DELETE, etc....) and on structure (CREATE, DROP, etc....). Make sure you have stored procedures available on your installation.</p> <p>2. Launch <em>bedita init </em>shell script</p> <p>To initialize the system correctly, BEdita has a PHP script that you have to launch from the command line (a cake shell script, more precisely). Just go to the <em>bedita</em> directory above on the shell and type:</p> <p><code>./ bedita init</code></p> <p>(on Linux/Mac/*nix systems, on Windows use <code>cake.bat</code> instead of <code>./</code>). This script first checks your configuration, if it finds something wrong or not properly setup it will suggest you what to do. For instance if the database connection fails it will tell you which file to check and which variable to edit.</p> <p><code>HINT: edit $default array in bedita-app/config/database.php, have a look at cakePHP documentation.</code></p> <p><strong>Don't worry!</strong></p> <p>There are just two files to edit, <code>bedita-app/config/database.php</code> for the database connection (<a title="CakePHP database configuration" href="" target="_blank">look at the CakePHP docs</a>) and <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.sys.php</code> where you have to define three fundamental variables for BEdita.</p> <ul> <li>the first one is <code>$config['mediaRoot']</code> that indicates a directory on your filesystem where BEdita will put any file uploaded (through a form) on the system. Verify that the webserver has the right permissions to read and write in this directory.</li> <li>the second is <code>$config['mediaUrl']</code> that indicates the base URL from which you can reach the uploaded files.</li> <li>the third is <code>$config['beditaUrl'] </code>that indicates the base URL of your BEdita installation</li> </ul> <div style="padding: 5px; background-color: #ededed;"> <p><strong>Note: </strong>to define paths on filesystem you may use <code>DS</code> as generic <em>directory separator,</em> it will be "/" oni *nix systems (Linux, McOSX,...) or "\" on Windows.</p> </div> <p>You can obviously have more complex configurations creating the <em>media</em> directory somewhere else defining a virtual host that points to it (recommended for production systems).</p> <p>Once the system is correclty configured the script wil create and initialize the database. At last it will ask if you want to check the <strong>status</strong> of BEdita, just press <strong>y</strong> and you will receive a short summary of your configuration.</p> <p>Be aware of the permissions on <strong>bedita-app/tmp</strong> directory that has to be recursively writable from your webserver.</p> <div style="padding: 5px; background-color: #ededed;"> <p><a name="htaccessNote"></a><strong>Note:</strong> BEdita is based on CakePHP framework. CakePHP is built to work with <strong>mod_rewrite</strong> out of the box (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>). If you want/can use it (recommended) check if it's enabled, otherwise if you want to configure CakePHP not to use mod_rewrite remove <code>.htaccess</code> files in<br /><br /><code>/bedita/.htaccess<br />/bedita/bedita-app/.htaccess<br />/bedita/bedita-app/webroot/.htaccess</code></p> <p>And uncomment the <code>App.baseUrl</code> in <code>bedita/bedita-app/config/core.php</code></p> <p><code>//Configure::write('App.baseUrl', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));</code></p> <p>You can find more information in <a href="">Handling mod_rewrite in BEdita and CakePhp</a></p> </div> <h2><br />And now?</h2> <p>Open your browser and write on the address bar the location that points to your BEdita installation.</p> <p>You will be redirected to the login page. Type <strong>bedita</strong> as <strong>username</strong> and also as <strong>password</strong> <em>et voilà</em>...have fun with BEdita!!</p> <div id="_mcePaste" style="overflow: hidden; position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 2166px; width: 1px; height: 1px;"><code>mediaRoot</code></div>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2008-12-23 12:48:38", "modified" => "2013-03-22 20:26:40", "title" => "Install BEdita 3.1", "nickname" => "installation-setup", "description" => "<p>First BEdita 3.1 install</p>", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "4", "user_modified" => "3", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => "", "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "6", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ) )
content_5982cfc56cc4d1_97000323 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^92df61132b5db5acd0bccec933ee0a0a0282d97d.file.content.tpl.php, line 142 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127 View::element() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 397 content_5982cfc565a520_40812317 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^1813690fa0c7f8b8a8711c1241ef5b64627f7de5.file.generic_section.tpl.php, line 36 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 Smarty_Internal_Template::getSubTemplate() - /home/bedita3/, line 284 content_5982cfc5635ea6_85666999 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^bdba5c2d7b764545398cea4e31040bc76139281a.file.section.tpl.php, line 26 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 431 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 909 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 207 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 96