Tuesday, 3 november 2009, @ Auditorium of Salaborsa library in Bologna (Italy),
Chialab and ChannelWeb present
h 16,00
Disintermediation in information management
Beppe Chia –Chialab
h 16,30
Sharing knowledge and technologies. From fragmentation to "Enterprise networks"
Towards a local industrial cluster of information technology: creating a "network" sharing an "open" platform.
Christiano Presutti –ChannelWeb
h 17,00
BEdita. Let your contents be
Presentation of BEdita as CMS: user interface, operating environment, functions and publishing potential
Andrea Alberti –Chialab
h 17,30
BEdita as a framework
Introduction to BEdita as a development environment
Stefano Rosanelli –ChannelWeb
We invite entrepreneurs, information designers, technologists, public administrators and anyone interested in the topics above to participate.
ChannelWeb srl
Chialab srl