Today we are glad to announce the release of the seventh bugfix version of BEdita 3.1 and the second beta of the unstable version of BEdita 3.2.
BEdita 3.1.7 (code name ulmus*) continues its work on bugfixes and introduces some little improvements.
The most important changes are:
See the changelog for a full list of changes.
BEdita 3.2 beta 2 (code name populus**): populus grows and its pollen is spreading in the air! The UI gains the spanish translation and a simple, but ready to use, mobile frontend was added. Again many improvements and features have been introduced. Some are:
See the changelog for all changes.
Note that this will be the last version of BEdita 3.2 under the AGPL license. From the next release the LGPL license will be applied, see "License change: from AGPL to LGPL" for more info.
Important: have a look at the install guide or if you are upgrading from 3.1 series, have a look at the upgrade guide (upgrade is still not recommended in production environments).
Explore and follow BEdita also on:
(*) “ulmus” : [ pronounce /ˈəl-məs ] aka elm, a tall deciduous tree that typically has rough serrated leaves and propagates from root suckers, Genus Ulmus, family Ulmaceae.
(**) “populus” : [ pronounce \ˈpä-pyə-ləs\ ], aka poplar, is a genus of 25–35 species of deciduous flowering plants in the family Salicaceae, native to most of the Northern Hemisphere..
// render compiled template
$_smarty_tpl = Smarty_Internal_Template Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_id = NULL Smarty_Internal_Template::$compile_id = "Pages" Smarty_Internal_Template::$caching = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_lifetime = 3600 Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_resource = "/home/bedita3/" Smarty_Internal_Template::$mustCompile = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$has_nocache_code = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$properties = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$required_plugins = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$smarty = Smarty object Smarty_Internal_Template::$block_data = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$variable_filters = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$used_tags = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$allow_relative_path = false Smarty_Internal_Template::$_capture_stack = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_class = "Smarty_Internal_Template" Smarty_Internal_Template::$tpl_vars = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$parent = Smarty object Smarty_Internal_Template::$config_vars = array Smarty_Internal_Template::$source = Smarty_Template_Source object Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled = Smarty_Template_Compiled object $tmp = "/f5/aa/BEdita-3.2.beta2.3867.popolus.tar.gz" $_from = array( array( "id" => "1968", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "", "body" => "<p><strong>3.1</strong><strong>.7 </strong>release -- 19-07-2012</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">User-visible changes</span>:</p> <ul> <li>view longer object titles in relations tab</li> <li>Admin module bugfix - overload user data loading group details</li> <li>ui: select category filter more generic not only for /index methods</li> <li>used $view->action to build url in search form action</li> <li>TinyMCE fix: do not strip empty anchor tags (aka placeholders)</li> <li>modules: fix error 500 on "deleteSelected"</li> <li>#316 use nicknames in backend view URLs</li> <li>categories: alphabetic order in object list view</li> <li>browser check update / smarty agent / form upload user agent filter</li> <li>multimedia: fix object list in postgres, see #287 - already fixed in trunk</li> <li>added mp4 streaming via flowplayer</li> <li>thumb and embed code for multimedia video items</li> <li>#280 - managed the removal of users which have created at least an object</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frontend changes</span>:</p> <ul> <li>FrontendController::rss() - make safe string for display as HTML inside using Sanitize::html()</li> <li>#210 - fix section canonicalPath if is undefined</li> <li>#315 - fix meta description if no content selected [merge from trunk]</li> <li> - added form for password recovery</li> <li>add "ObjectProperty" to default baseLevel binding</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Developer-visibile changes</span>:</p> <ul> <li>bugfix - adding new item in multimedia module inserted a row in trees table also when no position was selected</li> <li>added robots.txt and meta robots noindex, nofollow for backend interface</li> <li>fix BuildFilter con custom table fields - accept values like 0, or '0' in conditions (i.e. Model.field = 0 should be a valid condition)</li> <li>shell: dbadmin massRemove</li> <li>add custom_property, date_item and count_relations filters to BuildFilter behavior</li> <li>introudced the possibility to extend BuldFilter (used to build custom query) through other Behaviors</li> <li>Added locales.php (back ported from 3.2-populus)</li> <li>bootstrap - added addons/modules/behaviors path to app behaviors paths</li> <li>fix belongsTo association between ObjectType and BEObject models</li> <li>smarty modifier multibyte utf8</li> <li>fixed Call-time pass-by-reference in BeLib::arrayValues() (deprecated)</li> <li>Fix compatibility with PHP 5.4+</li> <li>added jquery.color for handle RGBA transition where supported</li> </ul> <p> </p>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2012-07-19 11:46:20", "modified" => "2012-07-19 12:32:24", "title" => "ChangeLog 3.1.7", "nickname" => "changelog-317-ulmus", "description" => "", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "4", "user_modified" => "5", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => null, "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "1", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ), array( "id" => "1969", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "", "body" => "<p><strong>3.2 beta 2</strong><strong> </strong>release -- 19-07-2012</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">User-visible changes</span>: </p> <ul> <li>new text for INSTALL</li> <li>ui: don't try to open bad id selectors (js)</li> <li>#307: inverse relations - use left or right object types when necessary</li> <li>import / export filter</li> <li>longer titles in free relations tab</li> <li>added robots.txt and meta robots noindex, nofollow for backend interface</li> <li>#252 - fixed table compare in plugin install</li> <li>Users module bugfix - overload user data loading group details. Refactoring</li> <li>#117 multimedia: handle existing file/url</li> <li>ui: select category filter more generic not only for /index methods</li> <li>modules: fix error 500 on "deleteSelected"</li> <li>#301 admin: view backend and frontends log files</li> <li>admin: check plugins presence and modules dir existence</li> <li>#316 use nicknames in backend view URLs</li> <li>concurrent access: remove update from viewObject to avoid fake concurrent alerts</li> <li>avoid multiple click events in list objects</li> <li>webmark - fix smarty error on json object</li> <li>added UI spanish translation</li> <li>categories: alphabetic order in object list view - trunk</li> <li>#313 - admin module: introduced the way to enable/disable all addons (not only for BEdita object type)</li> <li>fixed unbalanced brackets in multimedia/inc/menuleft.tpl</li> <li>#319<br /> <ul> <li>add ckeditor simple style</li> <li>new json config BEDITA array</li> <li>add $currLang2 var for 2 char lang codes (en, de, it,...)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>#190 Drag&drop of multimedia elements inside body textarea.</li> <li>ui: dashboard more tabs default open</li> <li>fix errors in selection of multimedia already present in the system</li> <li>#295 - Admin module:<br /> <ul> <li>- impemented the utility functions 'update stream fields', 'rebuild index', 'cleanup cache', 'empty logs', 'clear media cache'</li> <li>- Added an Utility model class to handle common operations used both in UI and in shell scripts</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frontend changes</span>: </p> <ul> <li>FrontendController::loadSectionObjects(): return empty array if section is protected</li> <li>FrontendController::rss() - make safe string for display as HTML insideusing Sanitize::html()</li> <li>#315 ui: BeFront helper metaAll and metaDc not correct for sections</li> <li> - added form for password recovery</li> <li>introduced simple mobile frontend (</li> <li>fix loadSectionsTree bug using non null $depth</li> <li>refactoring of BeFront::menu() in order to increase html flexibility</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Developer-visibile changes</span>:</p> <ul> <li>update to CakePHP 1.3.15</li> <li>update to Smarty 3.1.11</li> <li>#265 - use SmartyException</li> <li>#312 object_relations: add utility methods</li> <li>soap: add try/catch - on exception function returns "null"</li> <li>#295<br /> <ul> <li>improved handle ajax exceptions adding BEdita html standard message error in json response</li> <li>add system event message on success</li> </ul> </li> <li>in save operations avoided to delete tree positions of objects if isn't set relative data array (data[destination]). Pass empty data[destination] to delete all tree positions</li> <li>#283 <br /> <ul> <li>import/export filter base classes - refactor</li> <li>new convention for name and supported mime types</li> <li>dynamic import/export form</li> <li>export only selected object/section/content - let filter load other objects</li> <li>shell: bedita export filter -f ... -filter ... -id ...</li> <li>add validation methods</li> </ul> </li> <li>#298 - import/export with Phar module / check plugin existence</li> <li>supported media types: add application/zip</li> <li>bugfix - adding new item in multimedia module inserted a row in trees table also when no position was selected</li> <li>replace folder->ls with folder->read</li> <li>smarty translations fix: check if TrHelper is available</li> <li>fix BuildFilter con custom table fields - accept values like 0, or '0' in conditions (i.e. Model.field = 0 should be a valid condition)</li> <li>shell: dbadmin massRemove</li> <li>add custom_property, date_item and count_relations filter to BuildFilter behavior</li> <li>Added locales.php</li> <li>introudced the possibility to extend BuildFilter (used to build custom query) through other Behaviors (merged from ulmus)</li> <li>fix belongsTo assoication between ObjectType and BEObject models</li> <li>#305 apidoc corrections/improvements</li> <li>AppHelper::getHelper public</li> <li>added otf supported mimetype</li> <li>bedita.ini: allow reload</li> <li>fixed Call-time pass-by-reference in BeLib::arrayValues() (deprecated)</li> <li>moved jquery.tooltip from pages/update_editor.tpl to layouts/default.tpl to avoid multiple loading </li> <li>#313 <br /> <ul> <li>Refactoring, add Addon model to handle operations on addons</li> <li>added FineDiff vendor library to execute diff between files when an addon enabled doesn't match the related addon available</li> </ul> </li> <li>#318<br /> <ul> <li>localization: add support for plugin locales in .po files</li> <li>TrHelper: add domain translation - see #318</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> </p>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2012-07-19 12:03:08", "modified" => "2012-07-19 12:38:41", "title" => "ChangeLog 3.2 beta2", "nickname" => "changelog-32-beta2-populus", "description" => "", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "4", "user_modified" => "5", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => null, "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "2", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ), array( "id" => "1841", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "<p>Instructions to manually upgrade your BEdita installation from 3.1 to 3.2</p>", "body" => "<p>Currently BEdita has not an automatic system to upgrade from a version to another but you can follow the steps below to upgrade BEdita 3.1 to BEdita 3.2.</p> <ol> <li>backup your old BEdita installation</li> <li>remove the old version of BEdita and extract the new version in the same folder</li> <li>restore from your BEdita backup <code>bedita-app/config/database.php</code></li> <li>copy <code>bedita-app/config/core.php.sample</code> to <code>bedita-app/config/core.php</code></li> <li>copy <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.cfg.php.sample</code> to <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.cfg.php</code> and restore config vars <strong>beditaUrl</strong>, <strong>mediaUrl</strong>, <strong>mediaRoot</strong> from bedita.sys.php and any other configurations you did in old bedita.cfg.php. You can edit some of these configurations through the Admin module.</li> <li>make sure that <code>bedita-app/tmp</code> (and subfolders) and <strong>mediaRoot</strong> are writable by web server</li> <li>check if these two files exist:<br /> <ul> <li><code>bedita-app/config/sql/upgrade/0.3.1-to-3.2-data.sql</code></li> <li><code>bedita-app/config/sql/upgrade/1.3.1-to3.2-schema.sql</code></li> </ul> and execute the queries of first file and then of second file. If some of these files are missing don't worry, it means that no relative queries for data and/or schema needs.</li> <li>restore your frontends in <code>frontends</code> folder and follow the <a href="/migrating-from-bedita-3-2-from-3-1">migration guide</a> to make your frontends compatible with BEdita 3.2</li> </ol>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2011-12-23 11:02:10", "modified" => "2012-05-15 11:59:58", "title" => "Upgrade from BEdita 3.1 to BEdita 3.2", "nickname" => "upgrade-from-bedita-3-1-to-bedita-3-2", "description" => "Instructions to manually upgrade your BEdita installation from 3.1 to 3.2", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "5", "user_modified" => "18", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => null, "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "4", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ), array( "id" => "1489", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "<p>A brief guide to upgrade your frontends from 3.1</p>", "body" => "<p>BEdita 3.2 comes with CakePHP 1.3.x series that introduces some changes. You can see a full guide to migrate CakePHP 1.2.x to 1.3.x in <a href="!/view/1561/Migrating-from-CakePHP-1-2-to-1-3" target="_blank">CakePHP cook book</a>, here instead we'll discuss what you have to change in your frontend apps to work properly.</p> <p>First of all replace in your frontend apps <strong>config/core.php</strong> and <strong>webroot/index.php</strong>. You can use the corresponding files bundles in BEdita 3.2, for example copy <strong>frontends/</strong> and <strong>frontends/</strong> to the corresponding paths of your frontend apps.</p> <h1>Router</h1> <p>A small change has also been done to routing params. Routed params should now only consist of alphanumeric chars, - and _ or <code>/[A-Z0-9-_+]+/</code>. This involve <strong>frontend-app/config/route.php</strong> because the old rule:</p> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">Router::connect( '/(?!pages)(.*)', array( 'controller' => 'pages', "action" => "route" ) );</pre> <p>will not work anymore. Replace it with:</p> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">Router::connect( '/*', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'route' ) );</pre> <p>It has to be the last router rule and it delegates routing to FrontendController::route() method.</p> <h1><br />Config</h1> <p>The bootstrap chain is changed, now all necessary configurations file are included from bedita.ini.php, so edit <strong>frontend-app/config/frontend.ini.php</strong> replacing:</p> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">require_once(BEDITA_CORE_PATH . DS . "config" . DS . "bedita.ini.php") ; if (file_exists (BEDITA_CORE_PATH . DS . "config" . DS . "bedita.cfg.php") ) { include(BEDITA_CORE_PATH . DS . "config" . DS . "bedita.cfg.php") ; } if (file_exists (APP. "config" . DS . "mapping.cfg.php") ) { include(APP. "config" . DS . "mapping.cfg.php") ; }</pre> <p>with:</p> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">require BEDITA_CORE_PATH . DS . "config" . DS . "bedita.ini.php"; include(APP. "config" . DS . "mapping.cfg.php");</pre> <p>The modelBinding structure has changed: GeoTag is part of BEObject. In <strong>frontend-app/config/frontend.ini.php</strong> use GeoTag 'inside' BEObject, like in the following example:</p> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">$config['modelBindings'] = array( 'Document'=>array( 'BEObject'=>array( "LangText", "RelatedObject", "GeoTag" ) ), //... );</pre> <p> </p> <h1>View and Helpers</h1> <ul> <li><code>HtmlHelper::css()</code> no longer has an <code>$inline</code> parameter. Use <code>$options['inline']</code> instead, for example if you had:<br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">{$html->css("ui.datepicker", null, null, false)}</pre> you have to change it to:<br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">{$html->css("ui.datepicker", null, ['inline'=>false])}</pre> </li> <li><code>flash()</code> no longer auto echos. If you used Smarty as a template engine you should replace:<br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">{if $session->flash('error')}{/if}</pre> with:<br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">{$session->flash('error')}</pre> and similar. <br />Moreover in <code>SessionComponent::setFlash()</code> second param is used for setting an element instead of layout, so in your applications you will need to:<br /><ol> <li>Move <strong>message.tpl</strong> from <strong>views/layouts</strong> into <strong>views/elements</strong></li> <li>In <strong>message.tpl</strong> rename <code>$content_for_layout</code> variable to <code>$message</code></li> </ol></li> <li>JavascriptHelper is deprecated, you should replace: <br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">$javascript->link() </pre> with: <br /> <pre class="brush: php; first-line: 1; gutter: false; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">$html->script()</pre> </li> <li>The array of smarty <code>assign_concat </code>function now must begin from 1</li> <li><code>MediaProviderHelper::$themeWeb</code> no longer exist</li> </ul> <h1>BEdita modules (CakePHP plugins)</h1> <p>Support for <strong>vendors/css, vendors/js, and vendors/img </strong> in plugin (bedita module) has been removed. They have been replaced with plugin (bedita module) webroot directories. <br />If you are using some additional modules you should update them. <br />If you created a personalized module you have to move your_module/vendors/css, your_module/vendors/js, your_module/vendors/img folders in your_module/webroot relative folders.</p> <h1>Frontend callbacks</h1> <p>If you used the nickname's callback feature in your PagesController you have to change the name because now the nickname is camelized to make the callbacks consistent with other methods names. In practice:</p> <h2>3.1 (old)</h2> <p>With <code>this-is-my-content</code> it called <code>this_is_my_contentBeforeFilter()</code>, ....</p> <h2>3.2 (new)</h2> <p>With <code>this-is-my-</code><code>content</code> it calls <code>thisIsMyContentBeforeFilter()</code>, ...</p>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2011-02-17 12:19:46", "modified" => "2012-05-15 17:06:35", "title" => "Migrating frontends from BEdita 3.1 to 3.2", "nickname" => "migrating-frontends-from-3-2-to-3-1", "description" => "A brief guide to upgrade your frontends from 3.1", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "5", "user_modified" => "18", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => null, "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "5", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ), array( "id" => "1965", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => null, "body" => "<p>The next major release of BEdita - <strong>3.2</strong> codename <strong><em>populus</em></strong> - will be released with a new license.</p> <p><a title="LGPL" href="" target="_blank"><strong>LGPL v3</strong>, <em>GNU Lesser General Public License</em></a>, has been selected for BEdita.</p> <p>This will give more freedom to our users and present a clearer license scheme.</p> <p>This means:</p> <ol> <li> you can build proprietary or free software solutions using BEdita, with no restrictions</li> <li>the only <a title="Copyleft" href="" target="_blank">copyleft</a> restrictions are on BEdita itself: i.e. if you modify BEdita core and distribute a proprietary software built with it, you have to publish those modifications (and only those) with a LGPL license</li> </ol>", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "18", "status" => "on", "created" => "2012-07-13 18:27:39", "modified" => "2012-07-19 12:36:06", "title" => "License change: from AGPL to LGPL", "nickname" => "license-change-lgpl-3-2-populus", "description" => "BEdita core team decided for a license change.", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "4", "user_modified" => "5", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => null, "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "ShortNews", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "6", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ), array( "id" => "1842", "start_date" => null, "end_date" => null, "subject" => null, "abstract" => "<p>From version 3.2 <strong>BEdita</strong> comes with a new web based wizard installer</p> ", "body" => "<p>Follow the instructions below to start working with BEdita</p> <ol> <li>make sure your host meets <a href="requirements">BEdita requirements</a>;</li> <li>download the <a href="/download/beditaopen3-unstable">package</a>;</li> <li>unpack the package in a directory served by the web server. For instance (shell example): <pre class="brush: bash; first-line: 1; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; "> tar -xvpzf package.tar.gz /var/www/bedita</pre> (assuming that DocumentRoot is /var/www);</li> <li>point your web browser to the url relative at your bedita folder (the system will show you a web wizard installer); following the above example, url would be something like <code>http://localhost/bedita</code></li> <li>follow these basci steps and configure BEdita <ul> <li>Filesystem: set/check permissions</li> <li>Database: setup your BEdita database</li> <li>Admin User: create admin user for BEdita</li> </ul> </li> </ol> ", "duration" => null, "object_type_id" => "22", "status" => "on", "created" => "2011-12-23 15:22:43", "modified" => "2014-05-16 13:46:32", "title" => "Install BEdita", "nickname" => "install-bedita", "description" => "<div> <p>From BEdita 3.2 comes with a new web based wizard installer</p> </div> ", "valid" => "1", "lang" => "eng", "ip_created" => "", "user_created" => "5", "user_modified" => "4", "rights" => "", "license" => "", "creator" => "", "publisher" => "", "note" => "", "fixed" => "0", "comments" => "off", "UserCreated" => array(), "ObjectProperty" => array(), "Annotation" => array(), "RelatedObject" => array(), "GeoTag" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Tag" => array(), "object_type" => "Document", "free_access" => true, "authorized" => true, "priority" => "16", "params" => array(), "languages" => array() ) )
content_5982cfc56cc4d1_97000323 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^92df61132b5db5acd0bccec933ee0a0a0282d97d.file.content.tpl.php, line 142 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127 View::element() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 397 content_5982cfc565a520_40812317 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^1813690fa0c7f8b8a8711c1241ef5b64627f7de5.file.generic_section.tpl.php, line 36 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 Smarty_Internal_Template::getSubTemplate() - /home/bedita3/, line 284 content_5982cfc5635ea6_85666999 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^bdba5c2d7b764545398cea4e31040bc76139281a.file.section.tpl.php, line 26 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182 SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 431 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 909 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 207 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 96