Code |
Context // render compiled template
$_smarty_tpl = Smarty_Internal_Template
Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_id = NULL
Smarty_Internal_Template::$compile_id = "Pages"
Smarty_Internal_Template::$caching = false
Smarty_Internal_Template::$cache_lifetime = 3600
Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_resource = "/home/bedita3/"
Smarty_Internal_Template::$mustCompile = false
Smarty_Internal_Template::$has_nocache_code = false
Smarty_Internal_Template::$properties = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$required_plugins = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$smarty = Smarty object
Smarty_Internal_Template::$block_data = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$variable_filters = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$used_tags = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$allow_relative_path = false
Smarty_Internal_Template::$_capture_stack = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$template_class = "Smarty_Internal_Template"
Smarty_Internal_Template::$tpl_vars = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$parent = Smarty object
Smarty_Internal_Template::$config_vars = array
Smarty_Internal_Template::$source = Smarty_Template_Source object
Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled = Smarty_Template_Compiled object
$tmp = "/f5/aa/BEdita-3.2.beta2.3867.popolus.tar.gz"
$_from = array(
"id" => "1839",
"start_date" => null,
"end_date" => null,
"subject" => null,
"abstract" => "<p> </p>
<p> </p>",
"body" => "<p><strong>3.2.alpha</strong><strong> </strong>release -- 23-12-2011</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">User-visible changes</span>:<br />* #137 - installation wizard<br /> - setup: force cake debug=1<br /> - installer BEDITA_IGNORE_CFG to avoid bedita.cfg.php load<br /> * #268 - Admin module - some configuration can be edit through user interface</p>
<li> BEdita url, project name</li>
<li> media url and media root</li>
<li>languages configuration</li>
<li> smtpOptions</li>
<li> mail support</li>
<p>* #259 addressbook: newsletter subscription bug<br /> * multimedia module: introduced GPS info in exif data view<br /> * tags module: fix views for cake 1.3<br /> * #291 - url friendly file names<br /> * #293 Sample module: updated to cakephp 1.3 plugin conventions<br /> * Events module - fix smarty include wrong path in form.tpl<br /> * Addressbook module - fix smarty include wrong path in form.tpl<br /> * #239 - Publication module: removed ajax behavior<br /> * Publication module</p>
<li> added filter for object_type_id</li>
<li> new section form features</li>
<li> sections: "create new section here"</li>
<li> added tags and notes</li>
<p>* modules menu with search field / search input removed from toolbar<br /> * new object command in toolbar<br /> * modules menu css + search<br /> * #296 - Users module</p>
<li> create users module, moved users and groups from admin to users module, update sql initialization nad upgrade</li>
<li> random passw for new user</li>
<li> css color module / menuLeft on admin</li>
<li> fixed wrong redirect path</li>
<li> reordered groups and fix module_permission in bedita_init_data.sql for the introduction of manager group</li>
<li> "manager" groups have not permission to create groups with access to "admin" module and to edit "administrator" users</li>
<li>dedicated page for view/edit/new group</li>
<li>count number of users belongs to any group in list groups</li>
<p>* alternative module list menu<br /> * load publications in every backend page (AppController::beforeFilter()) to have url for frontend site<br /> * #282 translations: publication public name / description translatable<br /> * EventLog => allow multiple logs<br /> * Helper #233, #243 - BeTreeHelper::view() added class="protected" to publications/sections with some permission (on the tree)<br /><br /><br /> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frontend changes</span>:<br />* sample frontends adjustments for upgrade to CakePHP<br /> * frontend wrong php tag in default.ctp<br /> * #263 added BeFront::stagingToolbar() method to load the staging toolbar in frontend apps<br /> * #286 - lang codes for HTML 639-1 => BeFront::lang() method<br /> * #90 set locale in $currLocale, reading from config "locales"<br /> * - Replaced $view->_smarty->_tpl_vars (not in Smarty anymore) with $view->viewVars<br /> * FrontendController: removed Set::isEqual() because it has been removed in Cake 1.3<br /> * #278 - Improve routing rules in frontend applications. Security: if first url args is a method of PagesController check that it aren't a ForntendController/AppController method<br /> * FrontendController - change nickname callbacks name:</p>
<li> before with this-is-my-nick it called this_is_my_nickBeforeFilter(), ....</li>
<li> now with this-is-my-nick it calls thisIsMyNickBeforeFilter(), ....</li>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Developer-visibile changes</span>:<br />* shell: dbadmin cleanup -days / removes old items from log/job tables<br /> * change bedita cfg files load chain - now bedita.ini requires bedita.cfg<br /> * upgrade cake to 1.3.13<br /> * #265 - upgrade to Smarty 3.1.7<br /> * shell: bedita modules fix/update<br /> * small fix in TransactionComponent for upgrade to CakePHP<br /> * read schema tables with options<br /> * shell: check all frontends in checkApp / check frontends existence<br /> * XML::toArray patch<br /> * add BEDITA_LOCAL_CFG_PATH constant, local configuration files path<br /> * schema doc update<br /> * #285 replaced php_thumb with new php_thumb library<br /> * UI: general modulesmenu in standard html5 NAV element + general HTML5 declaration + CSS html5 elements block definition<br /> * helper: BeToolbarHelper::changeDimSelect() - added keys to $options array params to create tag select with value different from text<br /> * css declaration with var argument (to prevent caching)<br /> * beditaNew renamed to bedita.css<br /> * unit test: add test for BeLib::variableFromName()<br /> * Area and Section model: added Annotation to $modelBindings["default"] to get EditorNote<br /> * add Tag and Annotation to Section and Annotation to Area models. Now Section and Area saves use AppController::saveObject() method<br /> * #268, #137 - fix config write regexp => ignore $config[] after =<br /> * #268 - bedita.cfg.php / only one main config file (bedita.sys.php deprecated)<br /> * config: remove 'config''language', 'multilang' - add 'defaultUILang'<br /> * bedita shell: add cleanphp method to clean php files from leadind and trailing spaces<br /> * #291 - Stream::updateStreamFields - add filename modification<br /> * shell: fix dbadmin error<br /> * be_lib: allow start digits in nickname / friendlyUrlString<br /> * shell/core: move BeLib::initConfig() in AppController - allow shell scripts launch with config errors<br /> * shell: fix for cake 1.3 / cleanup automatic in frontends also<br /> * shell: dbadmin clearMediaCache method<br /> * helper AppHelper::getHelper() - changed var name 'themeWeb' in 'theme' (due to cake 1.3 upgrade)</p>",
"duration" => null,
"object_type_id" => "22",
"status" => "on",
"created" => "2011-12-23 10:21:30",
"modified" => "2012-01-26 18:30:35",
"title" => "ChangeLog 3.2.alpha populus",
"nickname" => "changelog-32alpha-populus",
"description" => "",
"valid" => "1",
"lang" => "eng",
"ip_created" => "",
"user_created" => "4",
"user_modified" => "13",
"rights" => "",
"license" => "",
"creator" => "",
"publisher" => "",
"note" => null,
"fixed" => "0",
"comments" => "off",
"UserCreated" => array(),
"ObjectProperty" => array(),
"Annotation" => array(),
"RelatedObject" => array(),
"GeoTag" => array(),
"Category" => array(),
"Tag" => array(),
"object_type" => "Document",
"free_access" => true,
"authorized" => true,
"priority" => "1",
"params" => array(),
"languages" => array()
"id" => "1841",
"start_date" => null,
"end_date" => null,
"subject" => null,
"abstract" => "<p>Instructions to manually upgrade your BEdita installation from 3.1 to 3.2</p>",
"body" => "<p>Currently BEdita has not an automatic system to upgrade from a version to another but you can follow the steps below to upgrade BEdita 3.1 to BEdita 3.2.</p>
<li>backup your old BEdita installation</li>
<li>remove the old version of BEdita and extract the new version in the same folder</li>
<li>restore from your BEdita backup <code>bedita-app/config/database.php</code></li>
<li>copy <code>bedita-app/config/core.php.sample</code> to <code>bedita-app/config/core.php</code></li>
<li>copy <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.cfg.php.sample</code> to <code>bedita-app/config/bedita.cfg.php</code> and restore config vars <strong>beditaUrl</strong>, <strong>mediaUrl</strong>, <strong>mediaRoot</strong> from bedita.sys.php and any other configurations you did in old bedita.cfg.php. You can edit some of these configurations through the Admin module.</li>
<li>make sure that <code>bedita-app/tmp</code> (and subfolders) and <strong>mediaRoot</strong> are writable by web server</li>
<li>check if these two files exist:<br />
and execute the queries of first file and then of second file. If some of these files are missing don't worry, it means that no relative queries for data and/or schema needs.</li>
<li>restore your frontends in <code>frontends</code> folder and follow the <a href="/migrating-from-bedita-3-2-from-3-1">migration guide</a> to make your frontends compatible with BEdita 3.2</li>
"duration" => null,
"object_type_id" => "22",
"status" => "on",
"created" => "2011-12-23 11:02:10",
"modified" => "2012-05-15 11:59:58",
"title" => "Upgrade from BEdita 3.1 to BEdita 3.2",
"nickname" => "upgrade-from-bedita-3-1-to-bedita-3-2",
"description" => "Instructions to manually upgrade your BEdita installation from 3.1 to 3.2",
"valid" => "1",
"lang" => "eng",
"ip_created" => "",
"user_created" => "5",
"user_modified" => "18",
"rights" => "",
"license" => "",
"creator" => "",
"publisher" => "",
"note" => null,
"fixed" => "0",
"comments" => "off",
"UserCreated" => array(),
"ObjectProperty" => array(),
"Annotation" => array(),
"RelatedObject" => array(),
"GeoTag" => array(),
"Category" => array(),
"Tag" => array(),
"object_type" => "Document",
"free_access" => true,
"authorized" => true,
"priority" => "8",
"params" => array(),
"languages" => array()
"id" => "1842",
"start_date" => null,
"end_date" => null,
"subject" => null,
"abstract" => "<p>From version 3.2 <strong>BEdita</strong> comes with a new web based wizard installer</p>
"body" => "<p>Follow the instructions below to start working with BEdita</p>
<li>make sure your host meets <a href="requirements">BEdita requirements</a>;</li>
<li>download the <a href="/download/beditaopen3-unstable">package</a>;</li>
<li>unpack the package in a directory served by the web server. For instance (shell example):
<pre class="brush: bash; first-line: 1; tab-size: 4; toolbar: false; ">
tar -xvpzf package.tar.gz /var/www/bedita</pre>
(assuming that DocumentRoot is /var/www);</li>
<li>point your web browser to the url relative at your bedita folder (the system will show you a web wizard installer); following the above example, url would be something like <code>http://localhost/bedita</code></li>
<li>follow these basci steps and configure BEdita
<li>Filesystem: set/check permissions</li>
<li>Database: setup your BEdita database</li>
<li>Admin User: create admin user for BEdita</li>
"duration" => null,
"object_type_id" => "22",
"status" => "on",
"created" => "2011-12-23 15:22:43",
"modified" => "2014-05-16 13:46:32",
"title" => "Install BEdita",
"nickname" => "install-bedita",
"description" => "<div>
<p>From BEdita 3.2 comes with a new web based wizard installer</p>
"valid" => "1",
"lang" => "eng",
"ip_created" => "",
"user_created" => "5",
"user_modified" => "4",
"rights" => "",
"license" => "",
"creator" => "",
"publisher" => "",
"note" => "",
"fixed" => "0",
"comments" => "off",
"UserCreated" => array(),
"ObjectProperty" => array(),
"Annotation" => array(),
"RelatedObject" => array(),
"GeoTag" => array(),
"Category" => array(),
"Tag" => array(),
"object_type" => "Document",
"free_access" => true,
"authorized" => true,
"priority" => "18",
"params" => array(),
"languages" => array()
content_5982cfc56cc4d1_97000323 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^92df61132b5db5acd0bccec933ee0a0a0282d97d.file.content.tpl.php, line 142
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182
SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127
View::element() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 397
content_5982cfc565a520_40812317 - APP/tmp/smarty/compile/Pages^1813690fa0c7f8b8a8711c1241ef5b64627f7de5.file.generic_section.tpl.php, line 36
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182
Smarty_Internal_Template::getSubTemplate() - /home/bedita3/, line 284
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Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch() - /home/bedita3/, line 182
SmartyView::_render() - /home/bedita3/, line 127
View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 431
Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 909
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 207
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 96
/news/bedita-32-alpha" title="ChangeLog 3.2.alpha populus">ChangeLog 3.2.alpha populus